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Inpatient Workflow

Inpatient Workflow

This optional feature is active only if requested by the client, and is not available for all users.

The inpatient workflow is an alternative scheduling method that lists patients based on inpatient encounters, rather than listing patients by appointment.

For example, a physician is required to make regular rounds to all patients admitted to Critical Care. The inpatient workflow allows the physician to easily track which patients are on his ward, and if he has dictated on them today, or if he still needs to visit them. Inpatient also allows the physician to clear his schedule manually when he needs to see patients more frequently.

To switch between the standard appointment screen and the inpatient workflow, tap the Filter button on the upper right corner of the Patients screen, then tap Inpatient in the Mode section. To change back to the outpatient appointments view, tap the Filter button then tap Schedule (Outpatient).

Inpatient Views

Inpatient Filters

The default inpatient view is "My Patients" which lists all patients whose inpatient counter uses the work list scheduling resource assigned to the logged-in user. eSOne Mobile can also list inpatient encounters by Author Groups or Location Resource. To change views between My Patients, Author Groups and Locations, tap the Filter button. The Author Groups section will first list My Patients, followed by all Author Groups setup for the client. The Locations section follows, listing all inpatient location resources for the client. Tap on a view to load it in the Patients tab; a black radio button will indicate which view is selected.

  • My Patients - Displays all patient encounters linked to the default schedule resource of the logged-in user. This is the default view in inpatient mode.

  • Author Groups - The Author Group View allows you to see all patients associated with any users enrolled in a specific group. By tapping on an Author Group name, you can view the full list of patients for that group, regardless of whether you are enrolled in the group yourself. Enrolling in a group enables other users within the group to view your patients as well. To enroll or disenroll from a group, simply tap the slider button

  • Locations - Use Locations to show all inpatient encounters based on the location resource, regardless of the associated schedule resource.

Sort Options

Use the Sort option in the Filter menu to order the patient list based on:

  • Treatment Status - Patients not marked as Treated will appear at the top of the list, treated patients will appear at the bottom.

  • Patient Full Name - Patients will be ordered alphabetically by the patients' full names (if the first names match then the middle initial and/or last names will be used to further order them).

  • Patient Last Name - Patients will be ordered alphabetically by the patients' last names, but will still appear in "First name Last name" format in the schedule list.

  • Patient First Name - Patients will be ordered alphabetically by the patients' first names.

Treatment Status

Patients who have received treatment are marked with a treated Treatment Status icon. The check mark still indicates a completed dictation; the microphone indicates a dictation on hold.


Inpatient encounters do not use the Cloud Icon.

Patients are automatically marked as treated when a dictation has been started. The treatment status can be toggled on and off using the Treated option in the Action menu of the Recording screen.

To remove the Treatment Status icon from all patients, press the Clear Treatment Status icon from the patient list.

Toggle Treatment Status Clear Treatment Status for All Patients

Add and Remove Patients

Inpatient encounters can be added to the patient list by tapping the Add button. Search for an existing encounter by entering the Patient ID, Patient Name, and/or Order Number. Tap the Search button to run the search and view matches. Tap on the patient in the search result to begin a new dictation. If no match is found the user is notified and asked if a new dictation should be created using the search criteria. Tap Cancel to return to the Search window; tap Use to apply the search criteria to the appropriate fields in a new dictation.

Inpatient Search Inpatient Search

Remove from Worklist To remove patients from the work list, choose Remove from my work list in the Action menu of the Recording screen.

Record Screen

To view encounter details and record a dictation, select the desired patient from the patient list.

The record screen is similar to that of an outpatient appointment, with a minor difference in the appointment date. The appointment date can be set in an inpatient encounter to reflect the date and time the patient was visited while admitted. This date may be manually edited by tapping on the field or auto-populated by enabling the Set Inpatient Appointment Date to Dictation Date option in the Settings tab. When enabled, the Appointment Date will automatically populate with the current date and time when recording starts.

Please note the client configuration settings to determine which fields are visible and editable.

Please see Record Screen for additional details on the record screen.