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Using the Note Editor - BETA


The InQuiry Note Editor is currently in beta testing and is only available to enrolled participants. If you are interested in beta testing the InQuiry Note Editor please enroll by sending an email to with the InQuiry username and client code (multiple profiles can be enrolled), and your preferred email address so we can keep you updated on the beta status.

Edits can be made to patient and appointment demographics, note text, referring associates, and authenticators in the note editor. By default, only documents that are in the Marked for Review and Preliminary Folders can be edited.

Note Editor

The note editor can be accessed multiple ways:

  • From a Workflow Folder

    • Click anywhere in the corresponding data grid row, except for the Actions column (the area in the green box in the image below).
    • Expand the Actions list in the data grid and choose Edit Transcription (the area in the blue box in the image below).
    • Click View Transcription in the Actions column (the area in the yellow box in the image below) to open the note viewer, then click Edit.

    How to open Note Editor

  • From Search All - Basic Search

    • Click anywhere on the given row in the data grid to open the note viewer, then click Edit.

Note Editor Layout

Note Editor Sections

The Note Editor consists of five main sections, color coded in this image. Each section can have multiple components to it:

  • Action Panel
    • Patient and Appointment search
    • Save and Complete actions
    • Actions menu
    • Exit editor
  • Dictation Player
    • Dictation playback controls
      • This section is hidden by default, but can be toggled on from the Action Panel menu
  • Header Panel
    • View and change Document Type, Location, Clinician
    • View the note's status in the workflow
  • Draft Editor
    • Edit the note text
  • Side Panel
    • View and edit:
      • Patient and Appointment details
      • Comments and Comment Tags
      • Associates
      • Additional Authenticators

Action Panel

Action Panel
The Action Panel displays a read-only view of the patient ID, birthdate, age, gender, and appointment date. It also provides options to search for a new patient or appointment, save, complete, preview and print notes, and perform additional actions.

A patient and/or appointment search can be performed to replace, correct, or add a missing patient and/or appointment to a note. This functionality is only available if the client sends a data feed to eSOne or patient data is manually entered into the eSOne system.

To initiate a search click Search Patient Appointment Search. Two of three options will be presented: Search for a different Appointment for this Patient or Search for a different Order for this Patient (depending on the document type selected) and Search for a different Patient. To refine or change your search make changes to the search criteria then click Search again.

Patient and Appointment Searches

Search for a Different Patient

To add or change the patient on a note click Search Patient Appointment Search then select Search for a different Patient.

Enter one or more search criterion in the search fields on the left and click Search. Matching patient records will load in the grid on the right.

Patient Search

Click the desired patient. If patient or order records, depending on the chosen document type configuration, exist for the selected patient the Appointment or Order list will appear. If no appointments or orders exist for the patient you will be returned to the editor. The new patient demographics will be populated in the Action Panel and Patient Info tab in the Right Panel.

Selected Patient

Search for a Different Appointment or Order

Document types can be configured to contain appointment records or orders. The appointment or order search option presented in the patient search menu will depend on the document type selected.

To search for a different appointment for the same patient select Search for a different Appointment for this Patient. To search for a different order for the same patient select Search for a different Order for this Patient.

A list of appointments or orders, depending on your selection, will be displayed for the patient ID on the note. The available search fields and data fields in the search results may vary based on the client configuration.

Appointment Search

Click the desired appointment or order then Select to attach it to the note. The demographics in the Action Panel and the Right Panel will update with the appointment information.

Updated Appointment Demographics


The Save button has two modes:

Save Press the left side of the button to save changes to the note, including text and demographics, and keep the current note loaded in the editor.

Save and Next Press the right side of the button to expand the save menu and choose Save and Next. Changes will be saved and the next note in the grid will load in the editor.


The Complete action saves the note and moves it forward in the workflow. The Complete button also has two modes:

Complete Press the left side of the button to save the note and progress it to the next step of the workflow. The editor window will close and you are returned to the workflow folder view.

Complete Press the right side of the button to expand the complete menu and choose Complete and Next. Changes will be saved, the note will progress to the next step of the workflow, and the next note in the grid will load in the editor.

Action Menu

Action Menu

Action Menu The Action Menu ellipsis Action Menu ellipsis expands the Action Menu. The Action Menu provides additional options based on client configuration, workflow status, and user access rights.

  • View Note - Opens the note in read-only mode. This option is available only for notes that have moved beyond the Dictations folder.
  • Play - Toggles the dictation player controls in the editor. When toggled on, the dictation will begin playing.
  • Next - Opens the next note in the workflow folder or the next result from the Search All search results in the editor.
  • View Changes - Opens the Current Changes window with a color-coded view of changes made to the note text since the last save.
  • Reset - Removes unsaved changes to the note text, patient and appointment demographics, orders, and additional note attributes.
  • Info - Opens Note Information in a new tab.
  • Print - Prints the note through the Printing Agent, applying any configured letterheads and watermarks for the document type.
  • Print Preview - Displays a preview of the formatted note in the Printing Agent, including any letterheads and watermarks configured for the document type.
  • Use Legacy Editor - Opens the note in edit mode using the previous version of the transcription editor.
  • Feedback - Opens a form in a new tab, allowing you to submit feedback, ask questions, or report issues related to the note editor or InQuiry.


Close the Editor The Close button exits the note editor without saving changes. If there are unsaved changes, a confirmation message will appear, allowing you to save before closing.

Dictation Player

InQuiry supports an in-editor dictation player, allowing users to control audio playback while editing a note. The dictation player is hidden by default, but can be toggled on and off by selecting Play from the Action Panel menu.

Dictation Player

Once toggled on, the dictation will begin playing and dictation playback controls will appear below the Action Panel. The playback control may display differently depending on the browser used.

The dictation player status is saved. If the player is on when the note editor is closed, it will appear in the next note opened in edit mode. If the dictation player is hidden, it will not appear in the next opened note.

Use the controls to adjust the playback speed, play/pause the audio, and move forward and backwards in the audio.

The following keyboard shortcuts are available:

  • ALT + Shift + S - Go To Start
  • ALT + Shift + R - Rewind
  • ALT + Shift + P - Play/Pause
  • ALT + Shift + F - Fast Forward
  • ALT + Shift + E - Go To End

Foot pedals that are capable of being configured to send specific keystrokes can also be used to control audio while simultaneously editing. Please refer to your foot pedal manufacturer's user manual for assistance in configuring the shortcuts.

Header Panel

The Header Panel displays the Note ID and the current workflow status of the note. It also allows users to edit key details, including the Document Type, Location, and Clinician associated with the note.

Header Panel

  • Note ID - Identification number for the note. This can be used to search for notes in workflow folders and Search All.
  • Workflow Status -Displays the current stage of the note within the workflow, represented by its assigned folder name.
  • Document Type - Specifies the work type assigned to the note, which may determine its formatting and structure.
  • Location – Depending on the client’s setup, this field represents either the appointment location or the department within the facility.
  • Clinician – The provider who dictated the note.

Depending on user access rights, the Document Type, Location, and Clinician fields may be edited. To make a change, expand the selection list and click the desired value.

For the Clinician field, a search function is available. Click the Clinician Search search icon to open the search, then begin typing the clinician’s first or last name. The list will dynamically filter results as you type, helping you quickly find the correct provider.

Draft Editor

The Draft Editor enables users to make changes to the body of the note. The toolbar provides various tools to enhance document formatting, including options to create and modify tables, add lists, run a spell check, and more.

Inq Note Editor Draft Editor

Side Panel

The Side Panel displays key details about the patient, appointment, orders, and other note attributes. It is organized into individual tabs, each grouping related information for easy navigation. The availability, layout, and data fields, as well as which fields are editable or read-only, are determined by client configuration and user access rights. This ensures that users only see the relevant details for a given note, tailored to their specific access.

  • Patient Info – Displays basic patient information and allows for edits as needed.
  • Appointment Info – Shows appointment details and allows for updates and modifications.
  • Orders – Displays any attached orders related to the note.
  • Comments – View, edit, add, or remove comments and comment tags associated with the note.
  • Referred Associates – Lists associates who will receive a copy of the note, with options to add, remove, or edit associates.
  • Signers – Manage additional authenticators by viewing, adding, or removing them from the note.

Patient Info

Patient Info Tab

The Patient Info tab contains basic patient information. If a patient record is attached to the note, data from that record will automatically populate the fields here. Alternatively, patient information can be manually entered. To update the details for the given note without searching for a new patient, simply type in the desired field and press Save to apply the changes. The patient demographics in the Action Panel will update with the new information.

A patient search can be initiated by clicking the Search link in the tab.

For additional patient contact details, including address and contact numbers, click Edit at the bottom of the tab to open the Patient Letter Information window. You can also select a patient letter within this window.

To save the updated contact information to the patient's record in the eSOne system for use in future notes, check the Update Patient Info in Database checkbox.